So, to understand the answer to the question, “What Is Anxiety?” you must understand that it’s a normal, and beneficial, reaction to stress. Anxiety is an adaptive way to cope with the various stressors and challenges in the world. It’s short-lived and doesn’t have a dramatic effect on your life. However, when anxious feelings, like worry and fear, begin to interfere with daily life on a regular basis, seem unreasonable and excessive, or have no apparent association with any external stimuli or stresses, it can become an anxiety disorder and that’s a whole other story.

Recognising signs of anxiety before your nervousness and other symptoms of anxiety get out of hand can help you reduce their intensity. (In-depth info on anxiety attacks starts here) Typically, anxiety symptoms can fit into one of two categories: physical symptoms and emotional symptoms. Physical symptoms of anxiety include physical reactions to the stress that others could notice. Emotional anxiety symptoms would include reactions to stress or a challenging situation that people on the outside usually cannot detect. Physical Symptoms of Anxiety: – Nausea or dizziness – Frequent need to urinate – Diarrhoea not caused by illness – Trembling – Headaches – Fatigue – Insomnia – Sweating – Rapid heartbeat and breathing – Muscle tension One way to treat anxiety is to face your worries and apprehension associated with upcoming challenges in advance to reduce anxiety symptoms.

Perhaps your boss asked you to deliver a speech to a large group of prospects or executives in two weeks – or you have a doctor visit scheduled several days from now at which your doctor will order specific lab tests because of symptoms you’ve been having. You may not feel anxious about the event yet, so this is the perfect time to face the nervousness and fears that you know will come as the big date approaches.

We believe is using healthy methods to cope with anxiety and to stop anxiety as it starts to veer it’s ugly head.